
M: Brazil has Carnaval, New Orleans has Mardi Gras. Washington DC has ShamrockFest.
R: I had always heard about Shamrockfest on the radio and whatnot and had always been curious. It definitely was something totally different for me, but so much fun! My highlights for the day are, good people, great environment, funnel cake, and PAULY D!
M: AW YEAH. AW YEAH! So there were a ton of people, actually thousands of people. On the way there we took the metro and more than half the people riding were wearing green and being obnoxious (and drunk). Right before we got it, there was a little area where everyone chugged their drinks and left them.
Also, metro was supposed to have more trains running that day to RFK, but instead, they had repairs going on and had less.
Everything was overpriced though of course. $8 for a cheesesteak, $4 per person for a carnival ride, but worst of all was $10 for a beer or $20 for 3 beers. And it wasn’t even good stuff, Miller Lite or Guiness. The day was good. I was dead tired but still good. Make sure you pregame and whatnot. And unless you’re ambitious don’t plan on going out afterwards. Everyone I went with was asleep by 11:30.
R: I am definitely up for doing it again, just next time, I plan on being more well rested so that I don't fall asleep on the metro ride back.

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